Zeckit statement
Reliable Partner quick check
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JKO-rakennus Oy (2478276-4)

Marketing name given by the company: JK-OVET

Industry: Construction Of Residential And Non-residential Buildings

Business location: Helsinki (hometown)

A Reliable Partner

The company is a member of the Reliable Partner (Luotettava Kumppani) service and hence detailed information is available on the company. This information includes the company’s tax and pension liability information as well as information on accident and liability insurances.

Based on public data and the information gathered from the Reliable Partner service, the company has taken care of its obligations and responsibilities.

Additional information is only available for companies that are members of the Reliable Partner service.

You may make purchases from this company. It is, however, always a good idea to do some background research before entering into an agreement with the company.

For decision-making
Number of employees

The number of employees does not have a direct impact on the quality of work or the reliability of the company. It, however, can help your decision-making process when comparing different companies for a particular task. Some bigger projects require more staff. On the other hand, some small companies are specialized in specific tasks.

Age of the company

The age of the company is not a direct indicator of the quality of work or reliability of the company. Age is a good attribute to take in to account when seeking for a supplier for a long term assignment or a job where hidden mistakes may occur later and are expensive to fix.


The turnover of a company is not a direct indicator of the quality of the work and reliability of the company. However, in bigger and more demanding projects, it is important to estimate the size of the project and compare this estimate to the company’s turnover. By comparing the turnover and age of different companies, you can pick the one that is best suited for the work and long-term responsibilities in question.

VAT on the receipt

Yritys on arvonlisäverovelvollinen. Ja kuitissa tulisi näkyä yrityksen palveluihin liittyvä arvonlisäveroprosentti.

Varmista että kuitissa näkyy arvonlisävero, koska yritys on liiketoiminnasta ALV-velvollinen. Säilytä kuitti takuun varalta, kotitalousvähennyksen kannalta se pitää säilyttää vähintään 5 vuotta.

Hired employees

The company is registered in the Employer Register in Finland and it has hired employees. A company that has more than 1 regular employee or 5 temporary employees has to be registered in the Employer Register.

Deduction of household expenses possible (Registered in the prepayment register)

The company is registered in the prepayment register, so you are entitled to a tax credit for household expenses if you have household work done in your home.

Check whether or not you are entitled to a tax credit from the Finnish Tax Administration web pages.

The company has an accident insurance
Accident insurance logo

The company has taken out statutory accident insurance for its staff. The insurance covers all work-related accidents and occupational diseases. This information is gathered from the Reliable Partner service.

No information about liability insurance
Liability insurance logo

The company has not taken out liability insurance, or information on the insurance is not available. This information is gathered from the Reliable Partner service. Liability insurance is important to have when working on valuable or critical projects as unexpected accidents may cause major expenses.

Additional information
The company has D&B credit worthiness A.
The company is a member of the Reliable Partner service. Detailed company information is available as the company has agreed to show additional information, such as tax and pension insurance information. Remember to check reviews and references as well.

The credit rating is only shown for companies that have ordered the service from Bisnode.


JKO-rakennus Oy

  • Radantaus 1 45910 Voikkaa
  • Radantaus 1 45910 Voikkaa
  • +358 458433314
  • 0100100.fi is a free service where you can find the information.
  • If you prefer personal service call 0100100 (paid service).
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